Interested in joining our ambassador community? Let us know if you'd like to be featured on this page, and share your story with photographers around the world!
Interested in joining our ambassador community? Let us know if you'd like to be featured on this page, and share your story with photographers around the world!
Vivek Gupta
Vivek is a self-taught photographer based in Amsterdam, driven by a passion for travel and capturing the world’s unique moments.
His work spans striking landscapes and candid portraits, showcasing his keen eye for distinctive perspectives. Frequent travels inspire him to document diverse subjects and share his experiences through this website, which he created to connect with fellow photography enthusiasts. Vivek brings his creative vision to life.Follow his journey on Instagram for more captivating content.
Location: The Netherlands.
Yozef Klooster
Yozef is a creative professional with roots in Indonesia and a deep connection to the Netherlands, where he has lived since the age of three.
His artistic journey began early, as he discovered a passion for drawing at just five years old, inspired by video game illustrations. This creative spark quickly expanded into photography and videography, where he became the designated cameraman, documenting cherished moments.
Location: The Netherlands -
Gianmarco Magliulo
Gianmarco Magliulo, known as *Alreadynmark*, is a Naples-based photographer and videographer specializing in nightlife, events, and portrait photography.
With a passion for film photography that sparked his journey, Gianmarco brings a unique perspective to his work, capturing moments with precision and artistry across the globe. He has shot in some of the most iconic clubs in Ibiza, his expertise lies in translating the energy of live events and the essence of his subjects into visually compelling stories.
Based in Italy, Gianmarco continues to push creative boundaries, delivering high-impact visual content that resonates with audiences worldwide.
Location: Italy -
Rick Endstra
Rick ist ein autodidaktischer Fotograf mit mehr als 14 Jahren Erfahrung in der Fotografie und in Bildbearbeitungsprogrammen.
Jetzt hat er ein breites Spektrum an Interessen am Fotografieren. Er sieht es als eine Kunstform, in der er seine Vision zeigen möchte.
Ort: Niederlande
Milan Wimmers
Milan hatte von klein auf eine Kamera, mit der er arbeiten konnte. Er hatte Kontakt zu einigen professionellen Fotografen, wodurch er viel lernte.
Deshalb wollte er damit weitermachen und ist nun professioneller Unternehmensfotograf.
Standort: Niederlande
Bert Strootman
Bert Strootman kann fotografieren, das ist deutlich zu sehen.
Sein Werk ist beeindruckend, sehr vielfältig und mit einem starken Fokus auf Formen. Feenartige Formen, verträumte Bilder, manchmal teilweise aufgelöst. Aber auch bei gut erkennbaren Objekten ist die Art und Weise, wie etwas mit der Kamera festgehalten wird, ästhetisch sehr lohnenswert. Bilder, die eher das Gefühl berühren als etwas aus der realen Welt genau wiedergeben...
Ort: Niederlande